Oils on 80 x 100 cm stretched canvas. 

Illustrates how security agencies like the U.S.A.’s N.S.A. break into fiber-optic cables carrying entire countries’ phone, Internet, and TV communications using a prism or bending the cable to leak and intercept the light in illegal global mass surveillance programs like PRISM.


ReTramp Gallery Show thru Sunday


Last night I rehung my first Berlin gallery show in the front room of ReTramp Gallery, with more works. Cartwheeling occurred.




Since moving into my new home studio in late March, I’ve managed to create enough finished work for a solo gallery show in Berlin (my first). I approve.



The work showcases a range of styles and subject matter, although it’s also all in my voice. (Or vision, as the case may be.)




The opening on Monday night was a great success. Friends and family came to gawk and talk.





Thanks to everyone who helped make my first Berlin gallery show a success, especially my partner Mr. Wolf and ReTramp gallerist Verity Oberg.


Work hangs through this Sunday, July 18. Until then the gallery is open Wed., Fri., and Sun. 17:00-20:00 and by appointment. After that you just have to come over for coffee to see my art—until I get another show.


(Who says painting isn’t a performance art?)


The Eternal Idol

The Eternal Idol, after Rodin

Oils on 40 x 50 cm. After Rodin’s Eternal Idol. 

This is another of the first finished works from my new Berlin oeuvre, from Day 2 in my new home studio. It’s hanging now at ReTramp gallery in Berlin, where I’m hanging more work tonight. My solo show—my first here!—continues the rest of the week.


Penelope Wraps It Up

Penelope wraps it up, after Archipenko's Box

Oils on 40 x 50 cm stretched canvas. After Archipenko’s Box.

This is one of the first finished works from my new Berlin oeuvre. I made it on Day 5 of work in my new home studio after not having a dedicated studio space for about a year. It’s hanging now at ReTramp gallery in Berlin, where I have a joint opening tonight… And a solo show (my first here) the rest of the week!


Gallery Show in Berlin, Retramp Gallery, 11-15 July, 2016


Yay! I have a gallery show! In Berlin!

If you read this, and you’re in Berlin, please feel invited to the opening of my first showing of the new Berlin oeuvre on Monday the 11th of July, 2016, at 19:00. It’s at ReTramp gallery, Reuterstraße 62, 12047 Berlin.

The work will be there at least through Friday the 15th of July, maybe longer. The show begins as a group show with cutting-edge hyperimpressionist Italian artists, and continues as a solo show of my latest work.


New Paintings Hanging at Home

New Paintings Hanging at Home 07-04-16

Finally got a batch of over 20 paintings in my new Continental oeuvre completed. I paint the sides with acrylic because oils are too hard to turn and dry for that finishing step. It’s a chore, it requires different tools, and some artists don’t bother with this step. But once you’ve seen the sides painted, you cannot look at the other and not see unfinished product.

We also tried three new ways of mounting and stringing monofilament (clear fishing tackle) on the backs for picture rail hanging. Picture rails are rails you install on the top of the wall to hang paintings from—a way of hanging lots of galleries and artists use that keeps their walls from swiftly becoming Swiss cheese from nail holes. With a little trial and error (and some new tools), we hit on a new way of jiggering canvas to hang, on picture rails or otherwise. It involves a really serious stapler, and is fast, easy, sturdy—professional.

It feels so good to have my work hanging in my home. Suddenly my art is alive again in a very real way. Time for a show…



Hope bird v. 06-29-16

Oils on 40 x 40 cm stretched canvas. 

A remake of a favorite painting (that was yet only a layer), inspired by a favorite poem (Emily Dickinson’s “Hope”), which I also made into a song last year. Not to be confused with a favorite remix (Flic Flac’s “Hope/The Great Dictator”) of a favorite speech (Charlie Chaplin’s “The Great Dictator”)…


By Emily Dickinson

Hope is the thing with feathers—
That perches in the soul—
And sings the tune without the words—
And never stops—at all—

And sweetest—in the Gale—is heard—
And sore must be the storm—
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm—

I’ve heard it in the chillest land—
And on the strangest Sea—
Yet—never—in Extremity,
It asked a crumb—of me.
