In one day, I achieved about half of my impossible fundraising goal.
By finding a math mistake. Unless I’m making a math mistake now.
I made about 92.83€ by accident trading Bitcoin, and lost about 64.98€ on a sale for daily profit of 27.85€.
The bad news is that no paintings sold. Recall that I’m trying to sell over 200 oil paintings in two weeks in order to lighten my storage load, pay off business launch debt, and seed the year-long art travel life experiment launching next month.
But my mic stand sold! To lovely Boston musician and new friend Erica, of the awesome band Sebio.
Breaking out a small subset of paintings to showcase in one blog post I then promoted on social media correlated with a big increase in traffic.

Specifically, I had 137 page views today. This is pretty good for a website that’s only been up a week. It’s up from a previous peak of 76 on May 4—the day the website launched.
But the peak could’ve been at least also in part from the second Mail Chimp newsletter I sent out to my email list. And from talking with a nice person in real life who then promoted me in turn on her own Facebook. (Thanks, Erica!)
So the moving sale launch today was a success. I got a little better organized. Made a little money. Drove traffic. And sold something. That’s a start.