To Dwell in Hope

“To Dwell in Hope/ ‘Fire and Ice’ ” lyrics to song in new music collection (with melody in parentheses)



The (MC) world may end in (B) climate (C lA) fire (GC),

or (C) it may yet be nuclear (CD) ice (E).

We’re (C) sure to have seen it (lA) coming (GC),

but (C) fair warning won’t (C) suffice (DE).


Corruption (hF) trumps desire (ED)

to (D) answer the (C) drumming (lB)

before the guards fire (A).



But our (E) fathers’ (hG E) fathers (DC) made (A) a (E) deal

to (C) dwell in (D) hope (E), not (F) live (E) in (D) fear (E).



Oil (C), gas, guns, new (B) gear (A).

Keep (B) in line, be ruled (lA) by (G) fear (A).

Tell (D) Google your innermost (DC) thoughts (E).

Post (D) on Facebook when you’re (D) distraught (CE).

This (hF) is Mr. Church’s abyss (ED)

from (C) which there is no return (lBA)—this (lG).



But our (E) fathers’ (hG E) fathers (DC) made (A) a (E) deal

to (C) dwell in (D) hope (E), not (F) live (E) in (D) fear (E).



So (D) fire on BP and (C) Shell (D).

Send (E) the NRA to (D) hell (E).

But (D) it’s too late now to untangle (CB)

the (C) net in which every move is a (B) wrangle (lA).

It’s (B) a mess, to be precise (lA A-flat),

whether (A) the world ends in fire (A) or (B) ice (C).



But our (E) fathers’ (hG E) fathers (DC) made (A) a (E) deal

to (C) dwell in (D) hope (E), not (F) live (E) in (D) fear (E). 
